From my experience and from years of reading about health, mental as physical, the most impactful healthy habits are sleeping, breathing(& meditation), eating and strechtching/exercising. I don't want to reinvent the wheel therefore I will refer to some experts about those topics. The first one and most important one from my experience is sleeping. Even... Continue Reading →

Science of Exercise

Homeostasis Homeostasis can be defined as the tendency of the body to maintain a stable internal environment for cells by narrowly regulating critical variables such as pH or acid base balanceoxygen tension blood glucose concentrationbody temperatureetc. The reason why our muscles get tired Macro nutrient metabolism during exercise At high exercise intensities, as mentioned earlier in... Continue Reading →

Hair Loss Treatments According To Science

What causes hair loss? Male pattern boarding is essentially a-genetic condition. One study compared identical and non-identical twins and found that 81 percent of male pattern hair loss is attributable to genetics multiple genes on both the mother and father's side can contribute to hair loss. Realize that andro-genetic alopecia is a completely natural process!... Continue Reading →

Alles begint bij voeding

Regel 1: Stop met het drinken van suikers Dit is geïnspireerd door een aantal grote leraren (waaronder Robert Lustig in Fat Chance en John Ratey in Go Wild) maar Mark Hyman bracht het punt krachtig naar huis als zijn #1 rec in Food Fix. Let op: Als je op dit moment frisdrank of vruchtensappen of... Continue Reading →

Success strategies

Description This course is for students who want to become more successful.  Many students struggle daily because they are overworked and overstressed. This course will help students to be more efficient at studying, to have a more balanced life, and to get better at dealing with stress. Students will also learn how to make their lives more... Continue Reading →

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