From my experience and from years of reading about health, mental as physical, the most impactful healthy habits are sleeping, breathing(& meditation), eating and strechtching/exercising.

I don’t want to reinvent the wheel therefore I will refer to some experts about those topics.

The first one and most important one from my experience is sleeping. Even if you do all the rest correctly this will have the most impact on your mental as physical health.

Equally important are the 2 following ones: breathing & eating. Breathing and meditation are key to oxygenate your body/blood and to reflect on past events and emotions. Eating healthy but drinking plenty of water are equally important, as they say Mens sana in corpore sano . As you get older you’ll see your body will be less forgiving about those healthy musts, more about that later…

Finally stretching and exercising, yoga combines multiple healthy habits at once: breathing & meditation + stretching and exercising, that’s why health influencers mostly do yoga or will do yoga at some stage in their life. Once you get older it is easier to start with yoga then it is starting any other sport from my experience… (maybe some form of tai chi? )

Let me know in the comments if you need help about this topic or you want me to detail my routines step by step

BREATHING : Wim Hof Method (WHM) is boosting your immune system

The Wim Hof Method consists of the following three pillars:


Cold is one of the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method. Exposure to cold has multiple proven health benefits, including cardiovascular training, a strengthened immune system and improved sleep quality.


The second pillar is breathing. We breathe all the time, but we are usually unaware of its power. Increased oxygen levels contain a wealth of benefits, and the Wim Hof Method’s specialized breathing technique unravels them all: increased energy, reduced stress levels, and improved immune response.


The third pillar of the Wim Hof Method is the foundation of the other two. With focus and determination, you will ensure that you will achieve your goals and be ready to explore and optimize your own body and mind.



Scientific research has proven that the Wim Hof Method provides a better immune system.


The Wim Hof Method can help you reduce stress, improve concentration and strengthen your willpower. This will make you more relaxed in life and will make it easier to achieve your goals.


The WHM has a proven positive influence on the cardiovascular system and (sports) performance. In addition, the method provides a better balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide and an optimal acidity level in your body.

I'll tell you how everyone can incorporate those healthy impactful habits into their daily life without spending hours every day. My approach to life and every aspect of it is the 20/80 one doing as little as possible with the post impact as possible. Being effectively lazy, hitting just the sweet spot...


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